Sunday, May 16, 2010

Food laundering

Food laundering is my term for the antics I pulled last night at dinner to appear "normal".  For a change of pace J and I walked to a really cute local Mexican eatery near our apartment for dinner.  And since I am still on liquid/soft food right now my options were pretty limited.  I ordered a cheese enchilada just so I could eat the soft re-fried beans, but after a little bit I felt bad because I had not touched the main course.  So in my infinite wisdom I started moving it around, cutting it up, and placing pieces on surrounds plates other than my own.  This I dubbed food laundering, an act that I'm sure will become commonplace until I become comfortable with my new eating habits that don't include eating everything on my plate.

1 comment:

  1. LOL! That is great! I think I need to do a little laundering of my own! ha ha!
